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Thoracic Surgery

No Connecticut hospital treats more lung cancer surgery patients than the Hospital of Saint Raphael. That’s not surprising when you learn patients travel from across the state and beyond to be treated here.

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Thanks to experienced physicians,  state-of-the-art treatment like minimally invasive surgery, and cutting-edge technology like CyberKnife® which, ironically, involves no cutting at all — thoracic patients at Saint Raphael’s can experience less pain and recover faster. Our thoracic surgeons are pioneers —  the first in the state to perform procedures like minimally invasive esophagectomies — with patient outcomes far better than the national average. Saint Raphael’s: Was first in Connecticut to do minimally invasive esophagectomies (MIEs) in June 2005, and is the only center in the state routinely offering this surgery.  Patients experience less post-operative pain and quicker recoveries.

  • Is a statewide leader for the past two years for the treatment of lung cancer.
  • Offers CyberKnife, a non-invasive procedure that uses targeted doses of radiation to treat tumors. Saint Raphael’s is one of only three hospitals in Connecticut with this technology and treatment of lung disease is one of the applications.
  • Is a referral center for thoracic cases, with patients coming from CT (various parts of the state), New York state and parts of Rhode Island.
  • Outcomes for MIEs and VATS (video assisted thorascopic surgery) thorascopic lobectomy (removing one of the lobes of the lung) are better than national averages
  • Manages the spread of cancers to the chest from the colon, kidney, and other organs. About 85% of our thoracic surgeries are related to thoracic oncology.
  • Also manages the symptoms of patients with complex end-stage esophageal and airway diseases, a service not routinely done at other hospitals.
  • Offers benign disease management including surgical management of reflux disease; surgical management of achalasia-a swallowing disorder; and surgical correction of chest wall deformities-the chest bone is either sunken or protrudes.
  • Provides an integrative and complementary medicine program that offers a holistic approach to healing within a compassionate environment
  • Has a specially-trained, highly-skilled and experienced nursing staff in the operating room and inpatient units who provide care during and after the procedure.
 Web Links:
 American Lung Association
 National Cancer Institute
 National Institute of Health