
Senior Services

Senior Services


Saint Raphael’s offers a range of services to promote better health and help people maintain independence as they age, such as education, research, training and specialty services including:

•  CareCard: Saint Raphael’s award-winning, FREE health and wellness membership program for people 55 and older.

•  Senior Assessment Centers: assessing patients’ health and functioning levels, developing an individualized care plan and providing support for them and their families.

•  Senior Outreach: providing patients and physicians with information, consultation and referrals to important community health care services like Meals on Wheels.

•  ElderCare Clinic: providing access to primary health care for people 60 and older.  

•  Lifeline: a 24-hour personal security and emergency response program.

•  Healthy Aging Line: a gateway to the medical care and support needed by older adults and their caregivers. Call 203-789-3275 or e-mail [email protected] for easy access to Saint Raphael’s wide array of senior services.  

Click for a list of Senior Services at a Glance .

Page last updated on Dec. 28, 2011