Here is a listing of orthopedic and related topics you can access through HealthLink. It’s part of our commitment to excellence and innovation in delivering orthopedic care. Call Saint Raphael’s HealthLink often – we’re as close as your telephone! Here’s how it works:
Dial 1-800-622-5922*
Listen to the instructions
Enter one of the four-digit code numbers listed below
Orthopedic and Related Topics | |
7401 | Achilles Tendinitis |
7601 | Amputation |
7504 | Ankle Injuries |
7405 | Ankle Sprains |
Arthritis | |
4172 | Arthritis or Rheumatism? |
7406 | Arthritis Quiz |
4176 | Arthritis, Rheumatoid |
4171 | Arthritis Symptoms |
4179 | Arthritis Treatment |
4173 | Aspirin and Arthritis |
4174 | Chores Made Easier for Arthritis Sufferers |
4177 | What is Arthritis? |
4178 | Who’s at Risk for Arthritis? |
4231 | Arthroscopic Surgery |
1478 | Arthroscopic Surgery of the Wrist |
7603 | Artificial Limb |
4191 | Back Exercises |
7410 | Back Pain |
4192 | Back Pain – Causes |
6402 | Bone Cancer |
6404 | Bone Scan |
7604 | Bowlegs and Knock Knees |
4552 | Bunions |
4232 | Bursitis |
4233 | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
1476 | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – New Endoscopic Method |
7606 | Collateral Ligament Injury to Knee |
7608 | Cruciate Ligament Injury to Knee |
7519 | Elbow Injuries |
7611 | Finger Dislocation |
Feet | |
7407 | Athlete’s Foot – An Active Fungus |
4551 | Athlete’s Foot – Proper Foot Care |
4552 | Bunions |
4553 | Calluses and Corns |
7612 | Flat Feet/Fallen Arches |
7437 | Foot Advice for the Jogger |
4555 | Foot Care Basics |
7531 | Foot Injuries |
7613 | Foot Problems |
7614 | Fracture Treatment |
7615 | Fracture Types |
4556 | Hammertoes |
7534 | Hamstring Injuries |
7535 | Hand Injuries |
7618 | Heel Pain |
7537 | Heel Spur |
7619 | Hip Dislocation – Developmental |
7837 | Hip Fracture |
7538 | Hip Injuries |
4234 | Hip Replacement |
7539 | Ice Therapy |
7540 | Knee Injuries |
4235 | Knee Replacement |
7620 | Kyphosis |
7621 | Legg-Calve’ – Perthes Disease (LCPD) |
7543 | Lower Back Injuries |
7544 | Lower Leg Injuries |
7622 | Lumbar Lordosis |
7623 | Lumber Stenosis |
7625 | Meniscus Injury to Knee |
4195 | Neck Exercises |
7547 | Neck Injuries |
4199 | Neck Pain |
4200 | Neck Pain Treatment |
1456 | Need-A-Physician? Referral Service |
7626 | New Cast Materials |
7627 | Orthopedic Appliances |
7548 | Orthopedic Examination Before Exercise |
7628 | Orthopedics as a Specialty in Medicine |
7549 | Orthotics – Lower Limb |
7629 | Osgood-Schlatter Disease |
4175 | Osteoarthritis |
7630 | Osteogenesis Imperfecta |
7631 | Osteomyelitis |
7149 | Osteoporosis |
7150 | Osteoporosis Quiz |
7551 | Overuse Injuries |
7632 | Paget’s Disease of the Bone |
7633 | Patellofemoral Syndrome |
7634 | Pigeon Toe (Intoeing) |
4257 | Pinched Nerves |
7553 | Plantar Fasciitis |
4558 | Plantar Warts |
7605 | Plaster Cast Care |
7635 | Preventing a Broken Hip |
4196 | Preventing Back Pain |
7866 | Preventing Falls |
7554 | Preventing Sports Injuries |
7555 | Pronated Foot |
7636 | Pulled Elbow in Children – “Nursemaid’s Elbow” |
4176 | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
4922 | RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation |
7637 | Rotator Cuff Injury |
7453 | Runner’s Knee |
7557 | Running Injuries |
7638 | Scoliosis |
4197 | Self-Care for Back Pain |
7558 | Shin Splints |
7639 | Shoulder Dislocation |
7559 | Shoulder Injuries |
7641 | Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphyses (SCFE) |
4595 | Spina Bifida |
5512 | Spinal Cord Trauma |
7640 | Slipped Disc |
7642 | Spinal Fusion |
7643 | Spondylosis |
7561 | Sprains and Strains |
7405 | Sprains – Ankle |
7460 | Stretching – When and Why |
7462 | Tendinitis |
7464 | Tennis and Your Feet |
7463 | Tennis Elbow |
7467 | Torn Ankle Ligaments |
4201 | Torticollis |
7644 | Total Shoulder Replacement |
7569 | Walking Injuries |
7470 | Warm-Up and Cool Down |
4177 | What is Arthritis? |
4198 | Whiplash |
4178 | Who’s at Risk for Arthritis? |
7572 | Wrist Injuries |
5240 | X-Rays |
* If you don’t have a touch-tone phone, you can still call Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., and our staff will be happy to assist you.

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