
Dial 1-800-622-5922*
Listen to the instructions
Enter one of the four-digit code numbers listed below

Here is a listing of orthopedic and related topics you can access through HealthLink. It’s part of our commitment to excellence and innovation in delivering orthopedic care. Call Saint Raphael’s HealthLink often – we’re as close as your telephone! Here’s how it works:

Dial 1-800-622-5922*
Listen to the instructions
Enter one of the four-digit code numbers listed below

Orthopedic and Related Topics
7401 Achilles Tendinitis
7601 Amputation
7504 Ankle Injuries
7405 Ankle Sprains
4172 Arthritis or Rheumatism?
7406 Arthritis Quiz
4176 Arthritis, Rheumatoid
4171 Arthritis Symptoms
4179 Arthritis Treatment
4173 Aspirin and Arthritis
4174 Chores Made Easier for Arthritis Sufferers
4177 What is Arthritis?
4178 Who’s at Risk for Arthritis?
4231 Arthroscopic Surgery
1478 Arthroscopic Surgery of the Wrist
7603 Artificial Limb
4191 Back Exercises
7410 Back Pain
4192 Back Pain – Causes
6402 Bone Cancer
6404 Bone Scan
7604 Bowlegs and Knock Knees
4552 Bunions
4232 Bursitis
4233 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
1476 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – New Endoscopic Method
7606 Collateral Ligament Injury to Knee
7608 Cruciate Ligament Injury to Knee
7519 Elbow Injuries
7611 Finger Dislocation
7407 Athlete’s Foot – An Active Fungus
4551 Athlete’s Foot – Proper Foot Care
4552 Bunions
4553 Calluses and Corns
7612 Flat Feet/Fallen Arches
7437 Foot Advice for the Jogger
4555 Foot Care Basics
7531 Foot Injuries
7613 Foot Problems
7614 Fracture Treatment
7615 Fracture Types
4556 Hammertoes
7534 Hamstring Injuries
7535 Hand Injuries
7618 Heel Pain
7537 Heel Spur
7619 Hip Dislocation – Developmental
7837 Hip Fracture
7538 Hip Injuries
4234 Hip Replacement
7539 Ice Therapy
7540 Knee Injuries
4235 Knee Replacement
7620 Kyphosis
7621 Legg-Calve’ – Perthes Disease (LCPD)
7543 Lower Back Injuries
7544 Lower Leg Injuries
7622 Lumbar Lordosis
7623 Lumber Stenosis
7625 Meniscus Injury to Knee
4195 Neck Exercises
7547 Neck Injuries
4199 Neck Pain
4200 Neck Pain Treatment
1456 Need-A-Physician? Referral Service
7626 New Cast Materials
7627 Orthopedic Appliances
7548 Orthopedic Examination Before Exercise
7628 Orthopedics as a Specialty in Medicine
7549 Orthotics – Lower Limb
7629 Osgood-Schlatter Disease
4175 Osteoarthritis
7630 Osteogenesis Imperfecta
7631 Osteomyelitis
7149 Osteoporosis
7150 Osteoporosis Quiz
7551 Overuse Injuries
7632 Paget’s Disease of the Bone
7633 Patellofemoral Syndrome
7634 Pigeon Toe (Intoeing)
4257 Pinched Nerves
7553 Plantar Fasciitis
4558 Plantar Warts
7605 Plaster Cast Care
7635 Preventing a Broken Hip
4196 Preventing Back Pain
7866 Preventing Falls
7554 Preventing Sports Injuries
7555 Pronated Foot
7636 Pulled Elbow in Children – “Nursemaid’s Elbow”
4176 Rheumatoid Arthritis
4922 RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
7637 Rotator Cuff Injury
7453 Runner’s Knee
7557 Running Injuries
7638 Scoliosis
4197 Self-Care for Back Pain
7558 Shin Splints
7639 Shoulder Dislocation
7559 Shoulder Injuries
7641 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphyses (SCFE)
4595 Spina Bifida
5512 Spinal Cord Trauma
7640 Slipped Disc
7642 Spinal Fusion
7643 Spondylosis
7561 Sprains and Strains
7405 Sprains – Ankle
7460 Stretching – When and Why
7462 Tendinitis
7464 Tennis and Your Feet
7463 Tennis Elbow
7467 Torn Ankle Ligaments
4201 Torticollis
7644 Total Shoulder Replacement
7569 Walking Injuries
7470 Warm-Up and Cool Down
4177 What is Arthritis?
4198 Whiplash
4178 Who’s at Risk for Arthritis?
7572 Wrist Injuries
5240 X-Rays

* If you don’t have a touch-tone phone, you can still call Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., and our staff will be happy to assist you.

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