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Internal Medicine Residency Training Program
Research Opportunities
Residents work with a faculty mentor and design a project in an area of interest. Projects are completed in the PGY-III year and senior residents can present their abstracts to the faculty in a half-day “Resident Research Seminar”. Posters and other projects are displayed for faculty and student review. In addition, many residents present case reports and research projects for the American College of Physicians, as well as other local and national meetings. The Department of Medicine provides educational support for all research presentations.
GME Resources
- American Medical Association
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Accreditation Council for GME
- American Board of Medical Specialists
- National Institutes of Health
- National Library of Medicine
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization
- American Cancer Society
- The Virtual Hospital
- HealthGates Medgate
- MedConnect
- MedEc Interactive
- Medscape
- MedWorld
- Physicians Online
- PharmInfoNet
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