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Pancreatic Surgery

203-776-4677 Saint Raphael’s physicians have the experience and expertise to treat most pancreatic diseases including cancer, benign pancreatic tumors, and problems related to acute and chronic pancreatitis, such as pancreatsic cysts and duct strictures or blockages. Diseases of the pancreas usually require a multidisciplinary approach involving several physicians in different specialties including gastroenterology, radiology, medical and radiation oncology, nutrition,  and surgery.  HSR has physician expertise in all of these areas. Pancreatic surgery can treat a wide variety of conditions including pancreatic cancer, cysts of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, and acute pancreatitis. 

The majority of surgical procedures performed on the pancreas involve resection (removal) of the portion that is affected by disease. These types of surgery include:

    • Whipple Procedure – the most common surgical treatment for cancers involving the head of the pancreas
    • Distal Pancreatectomy – resection of tumors of the tail of the pancreas
    • Total Pancreatectomy – removal of the entire pancreas and the spleen

  Other operations that use special bypass operations are often performed on the ducts of the liver and/or pancreas for strictures or cysts that result from complications following pancreatitis. These operations are also done for patients with chronic pain from pancreatic disease.  Many of these operations can be performed minimally invasively by using laparoscopic or robotic techniques and patients may spend only 1 or 2 days in hospital. Page last updated on May. 18, 2010