Lifeline is the oldest, most reliable 24-hour personal response program available. Easy to use, in the event of an emergency, the subscriber simply presses the personal help button and within seconds is directly connected to the response center who can immediately send help – 24 hours-a-day 7 days-a-week.
Other Lifeline features include an optional daily check-in and an RSVP function, which allows you to answer your telephone from across the room.
The Hospital of Saint Raphael is pleased to offer a NEW Auto Alert® option. Designed to detect if a person falls and can’t get up to push the button on their own, this intelligent alarm has multiple sensors for additional protection. The AutoAlert “help” is integrated into the Lifeline pendant. It can easily be added to the standard Lifeline service for a small additional fee.
Watch the video of Auto Alert in action.
Is it time for a medical alert?
Complete the Medical Alert Form to take the self-assessment survey and find out. Click here to start.
Have questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For details on Lifeline, visit:
For more information, contact [email protected] or call (203) 789-3938.
*Auto Alert does not detect 100% of falls. If able, subscribers should always press their button when they need help.
Page last updated on Nov. 23, 2010