CareCard Lectures
From managing cholesterol as part of your overall healthy diet to recognizing the differences between everyday absent-mindedness and more serious memeory loss, the CareCard program offers a series of educational lectures to broaden your knowledge and enrich your life.
Throughout the year, CareCard co-sponsors FREE lectures, sometimes in conjunction with the Grimes Health Center and Senior Assessment Program, other times in partnership with community programs, such as the 50+ Transition Center Adult Learning Program.
Check the Calendar of Events by searching under the CareCard category.
Here’s what coming up at the New Haven Public Library, 133 Elm Street through the 50+ Transition Center’s Health Smarts Lecture series:
September 21 – “Stroke Update: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment” will be presented by Lori Cretella, M.D. who is an Attending Neurologist and Stroke Team Member
September 28 – “Herbal Medicine & Homeopathy” will be presented by Robert Nardino, M.D. FACP who directs the internal medicine residency program
October 5 – “Cholesterol: Getting the Bad One Down and the Good One Up” will be presented by Elena Citkowitz,MD, Ph.D. Director of the Choslesterol Management Center
For information on the following CareCard Lectures, call 203-789-3275:
October 13 – “Advance Directives” will be presented by Donna Massaro, Supervisor, Patient Relations Department at the Hospital of Saint Raphael
October 15 – “About Chronic Obstructive Pulmonay Disease (COPD)” will be presented by Kevin Twohig, M.D., Pulmonologist, Pulmonary Associates of New Haven and attending Saint Raphael physician.
October 21 – “Becoming a Fearless Medical Advocate” will be presented by Barbara Katz, RN, MSN, Director of Clinical Program Development, VNA Community Healthcare, Inc.
November 5 – “Brain Power” will be presented by Maria Tomasetti, South Central Regional Director of Alzheimer’s Association, Connecticut Chapter.
November 5 – “”Arthritis Joint Pain Treatment and Surgery” – John Aversa, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Atria Larson Place, 1450 Whitney Avenue, Hamden
Page last updated on Sep. 17, 2010