


Allergy sufferers know when the pollen count spikes.  Increased pollen counts each year put the New Haven region in the medium-high zone for allergen density, according to

“Ever year we seem to say the same thing, which is ‘this is the worst year that we’ve seen,'” said Dr. Ken Yanagisawa, section chief for Saint Raphael’s Otolaryngology. “What makes us say that? Well this year, it’s because of all the snowfall and rainfall that we’ve had over the past several months. As a result, we are expecting pollen counts and mold counts to be up.”

On an appearance with WTNH-TV Channel 8 on April 18, 2009, Dr. Yanagisawa said there are simple things you can do to keep your allergies in check:

  • identify what you are allergic to (spring – pollens, summer – grasses, fall – weeds, winter – dust); mold can be interspersed through all the seasons
  • once identified, avoid the cause of your allergy
  • try to stay indoors in the morning when pollen counts are high, and on dry, windy days when pollen circulates
  • avoid line drying clothes – a magnet for pollens
  • if you’ve been working outside, change and wash your clothes; take a shower and shampoo to get all pollen off you
  • use over-the-counter antihistamines, such as Claritin or seek a prescription medication

Watch the video of Dr. Yanagisawa’s WTNH-TV Channel 8 appearance


Page last updated on May. 12, 2009