Maternal/Fetal Medicine Unit
Phone: 203-789-6273
Saint Raphael’s Maternal/Fetal Medicine Unit offers a variety of prenatal diagnostic tests and services to ensure both mother and baby receive proper care during pregnancy.
The unit is staffed by a multidisciplinary team specializing in obstetrical ultrasounds and fetal assessment, and is equipped with a state-of-the-art 3D ultrasound machine with color Doppler.
Our team cares for mothers-to-be with:
High-risk pregnancies
Multiple pregnancies
Advanced maternal age
Pre-gestational or gestational diabetes
Maternal high blood pressure
Other chronic medical conditions
A history of loss of the pregnancy due to an incompetent cervix.
Among our specialized services are:
High-risk pregnancy consultation and management
Targeted ultrasound: This ultrasound allows a more detailed evaluation of the fetus, showing any structural or anatomic abnormalities. This scan also can assess blood flow to the baby’s heart and brain.
Amniocentesis: Can show chromosomal abnormalities, certain structural problems, Rh incompatibility and other conditions.
Genetic consultation available
Fetal echocardiogram: Ultrasound is used to examine the heart of the fetus.
First-trimester testing: A prenatal screening test, performed between week 11 and 14 to predict the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. The test utilizes an ultrasound to measure the nuchal fold (a small pocket of fluid on the back of the baby’s neck) and a few drops of blood from the mother.
Genetic counseling: A specially trained medical staff member can discuss with potential parents their chances of having a child with a genetic disorder or birth defect, as well as testing and treatment options.
Appointments with the unit are made by referral through your primary obstetrician or midwife.
Page last updated on Aug. 26, 2011