
Financial Assistance Programs

Financial Assistance Programs

The Hospital of Saint Raphael’s mission calls for it to care for all persons in need, regardless of ability to pay. As a result, Saint Raphael’s offers a variety of financial assistance programs for qualifying patients unable to pay for medically necessary services. Below are:

  • A series of “frequently asked questions” regarding insurance coverage, Saint Raphael’s financial assistance program and free bed funds.
  • A chart outlining Saint Raphael’s financial assistance program (FAP).
  • A list of Saint Raphael’s “free bed funds”

Q: What insurance plans does the Hospital of Saint Raphael accept?
The Hospital of Saint Raphael participates and accepts most major insurers, including Medicare, Medicaid, HUSKY, and commercial insurance carriers (ConnectiCare, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, etc.). For a complete list, click here. Please contact your insurance company for verification of specific network coverage, and individual plan requirements regarding referrals, authorizations and co-pay/deductible amounts.

Q: How do I know if I’m eligible for financial assistance?
If you are uninsured, underinsured or unable to pay for medical services, you may qualify for financial assistance. Click here to review a chart with the program guidelines, application process, and qualifying income levels. Charts are available in English, Spanish and Russian. Financial counselors will review your case to determine if you qualify. If you are eligible, you will be asked to complete a Financial Assistance Program application. Counselors will also help people who are uninsured apply for programs that they may be eligible for, such as SAGA (state administered general assistance program) or Medicaid.

Q: What are the criteria to qualify for financial assistance?
In order to qualify for financial assistance at Saint Raphael’s, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must provide proof that you applied and were denied medical or health coverage under general assistance programs (HUSKY, SAGA, Medicaid) due to income or other eligibility guidelines.
  • You do not have access to a third party payor to help pay medical expenses. Third party payors include, but are not limited to, Medicare, private health insurance or workers’ compensation.
  • Your household income must be at or below 250% of the Federal poverty limits.
  • You must complete Saint Raphael’s Financial Assistance Program application.

Q: What types of financial assistance programs does Saint Raphael’s offer?
Currently, Saint Raphael’s offers four financial assistance programs to help qualifying patients offset the cost of medical services. These programs are based on Federal Poverty Income Levels, and offer discounts ranging from 30 – 100% of billed services. For information on Saint Raphael’s Financial Assistance Program, call 203-789-3227.

Q: What are “free bed funds?”
Free bed funds are donations from generous citizens or organizations that allow hospitals to provide a “free bed” for those who cannot afford medical care. The donors of these funds often establish very specific guidelines, which patients must meet before funding is awarded. The Hospital of Saint Raphael has several bed funds that may benefit qualifying patients. For a list of Saint Raphael’s free bed funds, click here. For more information, please call 203-789-3227.

Q: How do I access free bed funds at Saint Raphael’s?
Like with the hospital’s Financial Assistance Program, patients must apply to access free bed funds. To qualify for a free bed fund, patients must meet the criteria outlined in the Financial Assistance Program. The patient must also meet the donor’s guidelines. A Saint Raphael financial counselor can help patients through the application process. Patients, even those denied free bed funds in the past, may re-apply for future consideration.

Page last updated on Oct. 22, 2008