Preventive services
Among Saint Raphael most sought-after cancer screenings and early detection programs are:
- CT scan for lung cancer
- Mammogram
- Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
- Sister to Sister
CT scan for lung cancer
This sophisticated, new screening called computed tomography, or CT scan, has been shown to dramatically increase lung cancer patients odds of survival by detecting the disease at its earliest stages when its small enough to be easily treated, but too small to be detected by routine X-rays. Saint Raphaels Radiology Department performs these scans weekdays by appointment. The test is non-invasive, quick and painless. Its not covered by most insurances and costs $325. Call (203) 789-3847 for an appointment.
In addition to performing monthly breast self-examinations, every woman 40 and older should have a yearly mammogram. Its the best tool for diagnosing breast cancer in it earliest stages. Saint Raphaels Radiology Department performs mammograms Monday through Saturday. Appointments are needed for basic screenings, and in-depth diagnostic exams require a physician referral. Most medical insurances are accepted. Call (203) 789-5154 for more information or an appointment.
Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Free breast and cervical cancer screenings for women over 40 who dont have health insurance and who meet financial eligibility guidelines. Call (203) 867-5436 for details.
Sister to Sister
Since 1995, the Hospital of Saint Raphael has been a proud participant in the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (CBCCEDP). This program is both Federal and State funded and is offered at the Hospital in conjunction with the Connecticut Department of Public Health. The program provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services. Eligibility criteria to participate in the program are women, who are 40 and older, uninsured or underinsured and have a low income. Women who participate in this program may also be eligible to participate in WISEWOMAN, a program offering free blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes screening. For further program details, call (203) 867-5436.