
Looking Forward Support Education and Wellness Program

Looking Forward Support Education and Wellness Program

Undergoing treatment for cancer can be very traumatizing. Besides not feeling well, patients struggle with fear, depression, changes in their physical appearance and more.
Once you’ve heard the words “You have cancer”, you can’t look back. You need to look forward.
You need to look past the radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and surgery, and focus instead on how to live a healthy, happy life, with spiritual and emotional wellbeing. It’s with these ideas the Hospital of Saint Raphael’s Looking Forward program was founded in 1994.

At that time, Looking Forward’s mission was to offer cancer patients information, education, support, referrals and, perhaps most importantly, hope. Volunteers also worked to boost the self-esteem of women with chemotherapy-induced hair loss by teaching them how to wear makeup, tie scarves and wrap turbans.

Today’s Looking Forward still teaches women how to cope with hair loss. But it’s grown into a multi-faceted, nationally-recognized wellness, support and education program that helps cancer patients, both male and female, and their loved ones deal with the many issues related to this devastating disease.

Looking Forward gives cancer patients the opportunity to take control of a seemingly uncontrollable situation. Cancer brings a lot of uncertainties, and Looking Forward gives patients the information and support they need – essential elements in the recovery process.

The program began with a specialty shop to assist cancer patients with beauty and self-esteem issues, offering hats, scarves, accessories and makeup as well as educational books, tapes and support group information.

More than 30,000 patients have turned to Looking Forward over the years. And it has grown.

Page last updated on Jun. 08, 2009