
Labor and Delivery

Labor and Delivery

Phone: 203-789-3461

Saint Raphael’s provides a family-centered environment with comprehensive care for every expectant mother. Our full range of services includes prenatal classes, labor suites, post-partum care and a special care nursery. In addition, we have a newborn intensive care unit, as well as a transitional nursery for those infants who need specialized care and attention.

The Labor and Delivery Unit is a nine-bed unit with six birthing rooms, one triage room and two operating suites. The delivery team individualizes the expectant mother’s plan of care to make sure we meet her needs. Trained in the latest delivery methods, we offer labor support and 24-hour, in-house anesthesia services to make the expectant mother’s experience as comfortable as possible.

As a family-centered hospital, we encourage the expectant mother to have a support person to assist her as her labor coach and share the birth experience. We also allow siblings to be involved in the birth process as long as they have attended the hospital’s special classes and meet the criteria.

Page last updated on Apr. 11, 2011