Treatment for victims of sexual abuse
1-888-999-5545 (24-hour, toll-free phone number)
This hotline offers information, referrals, crisis intervention, counseling, groups as well as accompaniment to hospital, police and court procedures. Services are free.
Greater New Haven Sexual Assault Crisis Services
(203) 624-2273
This organization offers 24-hour crisis intervention; supportive counseling for recent or past assault/abuse; support and advocacy for police, hospital and legal procedures; male and bilingual counselors and child advocates; educational programs; and a resource library. Services are free.
YWCA/Central Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Service
(860) 344-1474 1-888-999-5545 (24-hour hotline)
This organization serves the Meriden-Wallingford-Cheshire areas and Middlesex County, offering 24-hour crisis intervention; supportive counseling; support and advocacy for police, hospital and legal procedures; male and bilingual counselors; educational programs; and a resource library. Services are free.
Page last updated on Sep. 26, 2008