How to tell if a friend is being abused
Are you worried that a friend or loved one is perhaps being abused by her partner? She might be if you notice that she:
- Has frequent accidents and injuries, especially injuries inconsistent with her explanations for them (for example, a black eye from walking into a wall).
- Is increasingly isolated from her family and friends.
- Is jumpy or depressed.
- Seems afraid of her partner.
- Suffers from dwindling self-esteem.
- Has a partner who is jealous, possessive and constantly criticizing her.
If you suspect she is a victim of ongoing domestic abuse, please talk to her. Express your concern; do not criticize. Tell her you can give her information about staying safe or leaving, if that is what she wants to do. Make sure she knows the toll-free number of the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE [7233]) and the Connecticut Domestic Violence Hotline (1-888-774-2900).
Offer to help.
Source: Manitoba Family Services
Page last updated on Sep. 02, 2008