
Hospitalist Program

Hospitalist Program

203-789-3203                                Meet Our Hospitalists

Physicians specializing in caring for hospitalized patients

What’s a hospitalist?
Just as there are physician specialists for your knees, heart and ears, there are also physicians known as a hospitalists who specialize in caring for you when you’re hospitalized.

The Hospital of Saint Raphael, like a growing number of hospitals nationwide, offers a hospitalist program featuring physicians who have strong experience in caring for hospitalized patients, many who often have serious medical conditions and frequently need a more advanced level of care. It’s this expertise that many primary care physicians have come to trust and rely upon with the Saint Raphael hospitalist program.
Your primary care physician may, with your consent, ask one of our hospitalists to coordinate and oversee your hospital care from admission to discharge. During that time, the hospitalist will give frequent care updates to your physician.

What does a hospitalist do?
A hospitalist is involved in every aspect of your hospital stay, including

  • Coordinating and providing your medical care. This may include working with medical and surgical consultants, physical and occupational therapists, discharge planners, dietitians, and clergy.

  • Ordering laboratory or X-ray tests.

  • Providing regular care updates to you and your family.

  • Communicating frequently about your care with your primary care physician.

What are benefits of using hospitalists?
The benefits of having a hospitalist care for you include:

  • On-site care. Since they’re hospital-based and provide 24/7 on-call coverage, hospitalists can rapidly coordinate your care and respond quickly to any changes in your condition.

  • Shorter hospital stays. Patients cared for by hospitalists usually have shorter hospital stays, and are just as satisfied with their care.

  • Easy access to a hospitalist. Patients and their families have the opportunity for more frequent one-on-one contact with the hospitalist, ensuring that your questions are promptly answered.

At what point does hospitalist care end?
Hospitalist care ends when you are discharged from the hospital. You can rest assured that your hospitalist will speak with your primary care doctor on or near the day of discharge and send a report about your care while at Saint Raphael’s. Although you will be transitioning back to your primary care physician, it’s not at all uncommon for patients to call the hospitalist back to ask a question about their care. And know that if for some reason you’re readmitted, it will likely be the same hospitalist who will again assume your overall care.

Do you have questions?
If you would like more information about the Hospital of Saint Raphael Hospitalist Program, please contact your primary care physician or our hospitalist program director at 203-789-4106 or at [email protected].

Page last updated on Oct. 02, 2009