
WCBH New Patient Information

WCBH New Patient Information

Compassionate, comprehensive, coordinated care for women when they need it most. 

Women’s Center for Breast Health – Suite 305
Orchard Medical Cneter – 330 Orchard Street, New Haven

Welcome to the Women’s Center for Breast Health at the Hospital of Saint Raphael. We offer a team approach to breast cancer treatment.  By working with the patient and her physician, highly skilled specialists across a range of disciplines including surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, plastic & reconstructive surgery, pathology, radiology (breast imaging), and genetic screening formulate a personalized treatment plan.  In addition, there are counseling and support services as well as integrative medicine and wellness programs available such as gentle yoga and energy balancing. 

As a new patient, you can assist us in helping you on your journey to recovery by completing the online registration form before your first appointment.  It will save time by getting you in to see the doctor faster and more efficiently than filling out a lot of paper forms during your first visit.  Your information will already be in out system.

Complete the online Registration Form.

Please download this Medication Card and fill in the information about medications you are taking.  Please bring the card with you to your appointment. 

Page last updated on Dec. 06, 2010