
Art of Living Well – Retreat

Art of Living Well – Retreat

Third Annual Art of Living Well Retreat

Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Bernie Siegel
Saturday September 12, 2009
9:45 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Cronin Auditorium of the Hospital of Saint Raphael
1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT   06511

If you’ve battled cancer, suffer from diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s or another chronic illness, this event can be your healing retreat.  Join renowned healing physician Dr. Bernie Siegel and a team of integrative wellness specialists for a day of rejuvenation for men and women living with a chronic or serious illness.  The event is also open to the caregivers of people who suffer serious illnesses such as stroke or Alzheimers.

You’ll learn about “The Art of Living and Healing” from Dr. Siegel, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles and the recently released, Faith, Hope & Healing. He’ll explore therapeutic approaches using patients’ drawings, dreams and feelings to make personal lifestyle changes for empowerment and healing. 

In addition, Dr. Ather Ali will present a session on “Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine: Epidemiology and Relevance to Cancer Care.”  The event will round off with an interactive Wellness Fair including a choice of Yoga, Reiki, acupuncture or massage.

Light refreshments will be served.

For more information call:  203-789-3916

Sponsored by the Looking Forward Program

Register For This FREE Event:   (Register by September 4, 2009)

Though this event is Free, registration is required.

For information, call 203-789-3916 or contact [email protected].

Click to download the Agenda

Click here for Dr. Bernie Siegel’s biography

Download a copy of the event brochure.

Page last updated on Jul. 30, 2009