A Message from the VP of Patient Services
To my nursing colleagues,
Thank you for considering a position at Saint Raphael’s.
Our nurses have a lot of celebrate:
- National recognition:
– One of the top 5% of U.S. hospitals for clinical excellence and patient safety by HealthGrades.
– A Top 100 U.S. hospital for nursing professionals to work, according to Nursing Professionals magazine
- Commitment to patient care, reflected in staff-driven, comprehensive patient safety/quality improvement/patient satisfaction initiatives, including aggressive programs to meet or exceed national benchmarks (and/or peer group hospitals) for publicly-reported clinical core measures, pressure ulcers, central line infections, patient falls and patient satisfaction.
- Commitment to our Nursing staff, reflected in a new clinical career ladder; annual monetary award for nurses with a specialty certification; staff-driven teams working on our Magnet application; shared governance; monthly Nursing Management Council with staff nurse representation from every unit; year-round education programs by our large, very active Staff Development Department; clinical nurse specialists in a variety of areas; and clinical resource nurses to support staff in handling complex cases.
Like hospitals across the country, we’ve faced financial challenges. Some are beyond our control–like the stock market and reimbursement rates from governmental payers. We’ve focused on what’s in our control, such as growing key clinical services (including bone and joint, vascular and thoracic surgery); trauma program recertification; and efficiency enhancements that facilitate patient care. We have served this community tirelessly for 102 years, and are committed to continuing that mission for at least another 100!
Saint Raphael’s is a vital community resource. We are proud of our heritage, and of the dedicated nurses and other staff members who provide outstanding patient care. I am proud to be a member of this exceptional team, and encourage you to join us too.
Mary Kuncas
Vice President, Patient Services
Page last updated on Mar. 03, 2010