Pastoral Care – Parking
Pastoral Care
125 Sherman Avenue, New Haven
Parking behind the building in the McGivney Cancer Center Lot
(entrance off George Street at 659 George Street)
(203) 789-3245
The McGivney Center is located on George Street, as part of the Saint Raphael campus. The cancer center has its own private parking lot directly in front of the center’s main entrance. This lot is marked by black iron gates and a sign that reads “Hospital of Saint Raphael Center for Cancer Care.” It can be easy to miss, so drive slowly on George Street so you do not pass it. (If you do miss it, there is also available parking in our George Street and Orchard Street garages.) Parking in the cancer center’s private lot is free, and someone is always there to assist you with getting in and out of your car.
From Hartford (North)
Leave I-91 at Exit 1 (Downtown New Haven). CONTINUE straight on the exit expressway, where it merges with North Frontage Road. CONTINUE through five lights and then turn right at the sixth light onto Sherman Avenue. At the next light, turn right onto George Street. Turn left into the second driveway to enter the McGivney Center parking lot.
From Shore Towns (East)
Leave I-91 at Exit 1 (Downtown New Haven). CONTINUE straight on the exit expressway, where it merges with North Frontage Road. CONTINUE through five lights and then turn right at the sixth light onto Sherman Avenue. At the next light, turn right onto George Street. Turn left into the second driveway to enter the McGivney Center parking lot.
From Waterbury and Upstate New York (Northwest)
Follow Route 69 South to Route 63 South (Whalley Avenue). CONTINUE down Whalley for about 2.25 miles and take a right on Sherman Avenue. Take a left at George Street, and turn left into the second driveway to enter the McGivney Center parking lot.
From Bridgeport and New York City Areas (West)
Leave the Wilbur Cross Parkway at Exit 57 (Route 34 East). CONTINUE on Route 34 until you cross Ella Grasso Boulevard. CONTINUE straight ahead onto Derby Avenue. Derby Avenue changes into George Street. Once past Sherman Avenue, turn left into the second driveway to enter the McGivney Center parking lot.
Or, leave I-95 north at Exit 47 (Downtown New Haven). CONTINUE straight on the exit expressway, where it merges with North Frontage Road. CONTINUE through five lights and then turn right at the sixth light onto Sherman Avenue. At the next light, turn right onto George Street. Turn left into the second driveway to enter the McGivney Center parking lot.
Page last updated on Mar. 27, 2009