
Sister Louise Anthony Legacy Society

Sister Louise Anthony Legacy Society

For more than 40 years, Sister Louise Anthony worked tirelessly for the benefit of Saint Raphael’s Hospital.  Beginning her nursing studies in 1935, she became supervisor of the hospital’s central supply area after graduation and moved on to positions in supervising the Emergency Room and Outpatioent Clinic before becoming the hospital’s chief administrator in 1956.  Guided by her belief in serving God through serving people, Sister Louise Anthony dedicated herself not only to serving the hospital but also the people of greater New Haven and the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth.

How to become a member

By joining the Legacy Society bearing her name, you can establish a planned gift to Saint Raphael’s to help ensure that Sister Louise Anthony’s tradition of selfless care is kept alive for future generations.  To become a member, simply notify the Saint Raphael Foundation in writing that you have made provisions in your estate to benefit the Saint Raphael Foundation, Hospital of Saint Raphael or the Sister Anne Virginie Grimes Health Center for a planned gift of $5,000 or more.

Your gift can be made through various venues including a will/bequest, charitable trust, gift annuity, or by naming the Saint Raphael Foundation as beneficiary of your Qualified Retirement Plan.  Information about planned gifts is kept in strict confidence unless you or your executor grant permission for us to release it.

Benefits of membership in the SLA Legacy Society

In addition to the personal gratification that comes with leaving a legacy to perpetuate the healing work of Saint Raphael’s, your membership in the Legacy Society also provides:

  • Invitations to Legacy Society activities
  • An invitation to the annual President’s Ball
  • Recognition in Saint Raphael’s communication vehicles such as the Foundation’s Horizons newsletter and Better Health magazine (unless you choose to remain anonymous).

You will also receive a Sister Louise Anthony Legacy Society certificate.

For more information and/or to receive a confidential statement of intent card, please call the Saint Raphael Foundation at 203-789-3242.




Page last updated on Jun. 08, 2009