


Since 1908, volunteers have played an important role at the Hospital of Saint Raphael in New Haven. Each year, they donate thousands of hours of service to our hospital and patients. Our volunteer program is open to individuals age 14 and older who are able to commit to a minimum of three hours per week for six months.


The mission of the Volunteer Services Department is inspired by the values and mission of the Saint Raphael Healthcare System. By providing professional staff to recruit, orient, train and place qualified volunteers, we can augment our staff as well as enhance and develop new programs, services and resources for all who come to us for care. Motivated by respect for each other and those we serve, we strive to deliver exceptional customer service through all of our volunteer programs, placing particular emphasis on caring for the underserved, the poor and the elderly.

Who can volunteer

Saint Raphael volunteers come from diverse backgrounds but share a common desire to assist others. They are professionals, retirees, teenagers, former patients and their families, homemakers, college students and others. We also have a special volunteer program for high school students. We ask for a minimum commitment of three hours per week for a minimum period of six months.

Volunteer opportunities for adults and/or college students

There are over 90 areas in which volunteers are placed at Saint Raphael’s. Assignments range from working directly with patients to positions with little or no patient contact. Following an orientation and one-on-one interview, placements are made based on the interests and skills of the volunteer and the needs of the healthcare system. Opportunities include:

  • Service Ambassadors: these volunteers work with Customer Service, Guest Relations and Patient Relations to ensure that the hospital exceeds patient expectations of service. They interview patients about their experience at the hospital, observe the hospital environment and points of entry to ensure high standards and offer advice on the hospital experience from the patient’s point of view.
  • Patient and Visitor Information: work side-by-side with visitor receptionists to provide directions, issue visitor passes and answer patient information telephones.
  • Visitor Information Desk: Staff the Visitor Information Desk in the hospital lobby and provide directions to patients and visitors.
  • Patient Discharge Service: volunteers provide patient discharge and escort services Monday through Friday.
  • Waiting Room Liaisons: volunteers serve as greeters and patient-to-staff liaisons in the Emergency Department and the Surgical Intensive Care waiting rooms.
  • Nursing Units: with staff supervision, comfort and assist patients and their families. You might talk to patients, fill water pitchers, run errands, and assist with clerical duties.
  • Childcare: assist with the care and entertainment of infants, toddlers and preschoolers at the hospital’s daycare center. Read, play games, supervise playground activity and help prepare snacks.
  • Gift Shop and Thrift Shop: work as a salesperson in the hospital gift or thrift shops, sponsored by Saint Raphael’s Auxiliary.
  • Medical Records/Clinics/Admitting: file and provide other needed clerical tasks.
  • Clerical/Data Entry: placements are available in a variety of departments and tasks include data entry, filing, copying, answering phones, running errands, etc.

The Father Michael J. McGivney Cancer Center

There are many opportunities to volunteer for our cancer center and its programs, including:

  • The Looking Forward Program: Help patients select wigs, scarves, hats and turbans, and with personal makeovers. In addition, volunteers assist patients with Internet searches and gather information through Looking Forward’s Resource Library.
  • TLC volunteers: Greet, visit and escort patients into the center and serve as patient companions. Escort patients to different treatments and tests throughout the hospital.

High School Student Volunteers

The Hospital of Saint Raphael’s Student Volunteer Program gives young people the opportunity to explore health careers, as well as to provide services to the hospital and its patients. The program is open to high school students who are at least 14 years of age and is offered in the summer. Volunteers are expected to give a minimum of three hours per week.

How to become a student volunteer

Each applicant is required to submit a completed application packet to the Volunteer Office, attend an orientation, and participate in an interview session. To register for an interview, students should call the Volunteer Office at (203) 789-3480.

To join our student program:

  • Call the Volunteer Services Department at (203) 789-3480 to inquire about the program schedule.
  • Call to register for the orientation session.
  • Attend the orientation and interview session.
  • Advise coordinator of interests, skill sets, and availability.

All written communications should be addressed to:

Volunteer Services
Hospital of Saint Raphael
1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Questions, please call (203) 789-3480 or email to: [email protected] 

Placement opportunities for students
Students are placed in over 35 different areas of the hospital. You can request placement in a position that requires intense patient contact, moderate patient contact or no patient contact.

Assignments typically performed by students include:

  • Childcare
  • Visitor receptionist
  • Patient discharge
  • Patient transportation
  • Flower registration and delivery
  • Assistant on nursing unit
  • Recreation assistant in our skilled nursing facility

Yes I’d like to volunteer

To obtain further information on volunteering at Saint Raphael’s,
E-mail us at
[email protected] 

Or call the Volunteer Services Department at (203) 789-3480.

Page last updated on Dec. 10, 2010