
Seasonal Flu Shot Clinics

Seasonal Flu Shot Clinics

VNA Services currently has run out of seasonal flu vaccine.  We have been forced to cancel clinics for the remainder of October.  We continue our efforts to obtain more vaccine and hope for good news in the near future.  For updates, please check this website periodically or call our flu hotline at 203-407-7416.
We will update clinics as information/supplies become available.

Generally, our flu clinics are open to the public, ages 18 and over OR RESTRICTED AS INDICATED.  Please bring your card for Medicare Part B or Managed Medicare if you are over 65 or for Anthem BCBS, Aetna, Connecticare, Healthnet, or Oxford commercial insurance plans for members who are under 65.  For those without insurance coverage or without their insurance card, cost is $38 (cash or check) for the flu vaccine and $58 for pneumonia vaccine.  No appt necessary unless indicated.  For additional information, call (203) 407-7416 or email [email protected] 

Pneumonia vaccinations are available year round by calling the VNA office nearest you for an appointment: 

–  Hamden 203-288-1623
–  Madison 203-245-0436

For flu shot information, call the HOTLINE at 203-407-7416.

The Flu Clinics marked with an asterisk (*) also cater specifically to seniors/elderly.

**CareCard flu clinics are for members 55+.  Appointments are required by calling 203-789-3275.

 Date Time Location  Call for Info or Appointment 
TBA TBA To be Announced (TBA) Watch for upcoming details.



Page last updated on Oct. 28, 2009