
What kind of gift is right for me my family or my organization?

What kind of gift is right for me my family or my organization?

There are many types of gifts you can give. Options include:

Gifts in Remembrance
Gifts can be given to the Foundation to memorialize friends and loved ones, send best wishes or celebrate special occasions. The names and occasions of those memorialized or honored are noted in each issue of the Foundation’s newsletter, Horizons. To make a Gift in Remembrance, please contact the Foundation.

Outright Gifts
You may make a monetary gift by check or major credit card in whichever way works best for you — online, by mail or by telephone at (203) 789-3242. These gifts may be designated for general or specific use by the Hospital or the Sister Anne Virginie Grimes Health Center.

Annual Appeal
The Saint Raphael Foundation conducts an annual appeal to support the most important needs of the Hospital and Sister Anne Virginie Grimes Health Center. To participate, please contact the Foundation.

Gifts of Securities and Appreciated Property
Donors may also choose to make gifts of stocks, bonds or the revenue generated from the sale of real estate. For details on how to make these types of gifts, please consult the Foundation.

Donors have the option of pledging gifts payable to the Foundation over multiple-year periods. The most commonly used pledges range from three to five years. For details, please contact the Foundation.

Wills and Bequests
You may decide to leave some part or all of your estate to the Saint Raphael Foundation in your will. Bequests are an excellent option for those who want to pledge their support for Saint Raphael’s today, but cannot part with substantial assets during their lifetime. For details on how to make a bequest, please contact the Foundation.

Planned Giving/Saint Raphael’s Charitable Gift Annuity Program
The Foundation encourages you to speak with your financial advisor about income-producing gifts such as lead and remainder trusts. Saint Raphael’s has employees and professional advisors to assist you should you need financial advice.

Saint Raphael’s administers its own charitable gift annuity program which is a planned giving vehicle that provides a steady income stream to you or your designee based on your age and the amount of your gift.

Gifts of Life Insurance
You may name Saint Raphael’s as a partial or sole beneficiary, of your life insurance policy. This is an ideal way to use a policy that is no longer needed by you or your spouse, or that names beneficiaries that no longer require the future income.

For more information, please contact the Foundation at (203) 789-3242 or [email protected].

Page last updated on Dec. 26, 2008