Presurgical Care Center
(203) 789-3628.
Saint Raphael’s Presurgical Care Center is designed for preadmission testing prior to surgery or testing related to a physical exam.
The center is located in the Cronin Short-Term Surgery Unit, with easy access from the 3rd floor of the George Street Parking Garage at the main hospital,
This facility offers “one stop shopping” for a wide range of procedures, including blood and urine tests, EKGs and X-rays, that you may need prior to being admitted to the hospital or undergoing surgery. The center also offers presurgical patients a central location for anesthesia consultation, nursing evaluation, sharing their medical history and getting a physical, when necessary.
Providing one location for all presurgical requirements can help reduce anxiety for pateints before undergoing a procedure as it enables them to meet and interact with their anesthesiologist and other members of the surgical team in advance.
On the day of their procedure, patients will already know the environment, their surgical team and what to expect. Having tests and evaluations in advance reduces delays on the day of surgery as the results will be within the hospital system.
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Page last updated on Nov. 08, 2011