Lunglife New Haven
Occupational Health/Occupational Health Plus, LungLife, TakeHeart, Outpatient Therapies (PT, OT, Speech)
175 Sherman Ave., New Haven
(203) 789-3392
From Hartford (North)
Leave I-91 at Exit 1 (Downtown New Haven) CONTINUE straight on the exit expressway, where it merges with North Frontage Rd. CONTINUE through five lights and turn right at the sixth light onto Sherman Ave. Occupational Health is on the right after the second light. There is a parking lot attached to the building.
From Shore Towns (East)
Leave I-95 at Exit 47 (Downtown New Haven). CONTINUE straight on the exit expressway, where it merges with North Frontage Rd. CONTINUE through five lights and turn right at the sixth light onto Sherman Ave. Occupational Health is on the right after the second light. There is a parking lot attached to the building.
From Waterbury and Upstate New York (Northwest)
Follow Route 69 South to Route 63 South (Whalley Ave.) CONTINUE down Whalley Ave. for about 2-1/4 miles and take a right on Sherman Ave. Follow Sherman to Chapel St. Go through the light at Chapel St. Occupational Health is on the corner of Sherman and Chapel. There is a parking lot attached to the building
From Bridgeport and New York City Areas (West)
Leave the Wilbur Cross Parkway at Exit 57 (Route 34 east) CONTINUE on Route 34 until you cross Ella Grasso Boulevard. CONTINUE straight onto Derby Ave. Derby Ave. changes into George St. Turn left on Sherman Ave. Follow Sherman to Chapel St. Occupational Health is on the right at the corner of Sherman and Chapel. There is a parking lot before the light at Chapel St. attached to the building.
Or, leave I-95 at Exit 47 (Downtown New Haven). CONTINUE straight on the exit expressway, where it merges with North Frontage Rd. CONTINUE through five lights and turn right at the sixth light, onto Sherman Ave. Occupational Health is on the right at the corner of Sherman and Chapel. There is a parking lot beyond Chapel St. attached to the building.
Page last updated on Apr. 20, 2009