Energy Balancing
Energy Balancing by appointment. Please call (203) 789-3946.
Energy balancing, sometimes referred to as Healing Touch is a very gentle and effective way to balance and restore health to the mind, body and spirit. It’s considered a form of healthcare by the National Institute of Health’s National Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. It is defined as a healthcare intervention that focuses on the various levels of the human energy field with the intent to create optimal health. One example of your energy field is your heartbeat, which has an electrical impulse.
When you are sick or in pain, your energy can become blocked or knotted. Energy balancing is an intentionally directed process of energy exchange during which the practitioner uses their hands as a focus to facilitate the flow of energy within you.
It is a gentle and effective way to balance and restore health to the body, mind and spirit. It is achieved using a light touch or hovering the hends over the body, in an effort to remove energy blocks; it is the process of clearing and balancing your energy field.
Of those patients who have received energy balancing in the Father Michael J. McGivney Center for Cancer Care, 97% reported significant pain and stress reduction; 95% reported improved mood and outlook.
What to expect during an Energy Balancing Session
The session will last approximately 30 minutes;
You remain fully clothed, removing only your shoes;
You will lay on either a massage table, hospital bed or in a recliner chair;
Energy balancing can also be done without touching your body if preferred
You will not change position unless you need or want to.
Page last updated on Sep. 16, 2010