Phone: 203.789.3868
Email: [email protected]
Rehabilitation is hard work, whether you are recovering from a stroke, illness or injury. Saint Raphael’s Intensive Rehabilitation Unit (IRU) offers more one-on-one daily therapy than most other facilities. Our IRU has a shorter average stay than other hospitals in the region because our patients show quicker rates of improvement.
In our state-of-the-art, 18-bed inpatient unit (with 24-hour care), we offer:
At least three hours of intensive, individualized therapy including physical, occupational and speech therapies up to 7 days a week
Care coordinated by a physician specializing in rehabilitation
Multidisciplinary care, including specially trained rehabilitation nurses, social workers, speech and language pathologists
Leading-edge technology
Nutrition counseling
Home-care planning
On-site pharmacy
Outpatient therapy
Our care staff includes:
Attending physicians
Attending surgeons
Advanced practice nurses and physicians assistants
Rehabilitation nurses
Physiatrists (physicians specializing in restoring functin after illness or injury)
Physical therapists
Occupational therapists
Speech and language pathologists
Care managers
Social workers
Chaplains representing multiple faiths
Patients may have experienced one of the following diagnoses and conditions:
Neurological disorders such as: multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré, Parkinson’s disease
Amputation of a lower extremity
Hip fracture
Major multiple trauma
Spinal cord injury
Bilateral total joint replacement
Unilateral total joint replacement if over 85 years of age
Brain injury
Severe osteoarthritis*
Severe rheumatoid arthritis*
Systemic vasculitis*
Severe burns
Congenital anomalies
*After completion of three-week outpatient program without significant improvement.
Saint Raphael’s Intensive Rehab Unit has a lower length of stay than other units and hospitals in the region and nation. Our patients also have a quicker rate of improvement than other facilities . |
Patients admitted to the IRU are discharged from their hospital of care (whether that is the Hospital of Saint Raphael or another healthcare facility) and then admitted to the unit. On admission, patients should have several complete changes of clothing, including socks and comfortable walking shoes and their own toiletries.
Visiting hours
Weekdays: 3 – 8 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
For more information
Intensive Rehabilitation Unit
Hospital of Saint Raphael
1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: 203-789-3868
[email protected]
Page last updated on Aug. 09, 2010