Directions & Parking
The Hospital of Saint Raphael
1450 Chapel Street*(George Street Garage)
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 789-3000 Also see “Discounted Parking”
*NOTE: For GPS directions, you can use 629 George Street as the street address for the main hospital garage.
Click on the area below to download Special Directions and Parking Instructions for that procedure:
– Ambulatory (Same Day–Short-Term) Surgery
– Gastrointestinal (GI) Lab
– Pulmonary Lab
– Interventional Radiology
– Cardiac Procedures
From (Hartford) I-91 South
Leave I-91 at Exit 1 (Downtown New Haven). Travel .3 miles to the end of the expressway toward Exit 1, where it merges with Frontage Road. Continue through five lights and then turn right at the sixth light, onto Orchard Street. After the first light, you will see a garage to your left (George Street Garage) and another to your right (Orchard Garage).
From I-95 South
Leave I-95 south at Exit 47 (Downtown New Haven) and follow directions “From I-91 South” above, beginning at “CONTINUE.”
From Route 8 South
Take Route 8 south to Route 34 east, to Ella Grasso Boulevard. Continue straight ahead to Derby Avenue. Derby Avenue changes to George Street. Once past Sherman Avenue, a hospital garage entrance (George Street Garage) is on your left.
From Bridgeport and New York City areas (South)
Leave I-95 north at Exit 47 (downtown New Haven) and follow directions “From I-91 South” above, beginning at “CONTINUE.”
From Tweed New Haven Airport (East)
Exit airport onto Fort Hale Road and turn right onto Route 337 (Townsend Avenue), to I-95 South to Exit 47 (Downtown New Haven). Follow directions “From I-91 South” above, beginning at “CONTINUE.”
From New Haven Train Station
From the front entrance of the train station, turn right onto Union Avenue. Go past the City of New Haven Police Department (on your left), and at the second light from the train station, turn left onto North Frontage Road. At the seventh traffic light, turn right onto Orchard Street. After the first light you will see a garage to your left and another to your right. Visitor parking is available in the 850-space garage attached to the hospital, or in a 500-space complex on Orchard Street across from the Emergency Department.
Public Transportation (Bus Service)
For information on CT Transit Bus Service, call (203) 624-0151 or (203) 785-8930 or check online at
Taxi Service
Checker Cab Co., (203) 468-2678
Metro Taxi (203) 777-5555
Free parking is available for:
– One driver on the day of a patient’s surgery. See the Short-Term Surgery or Scheduled Admissions Unit Receptionist for parking validation.
– One driver on the day of a patient’s discharge. Validation stamp available from the Visitor Receptionist. NOTE: There are 3 designated “Discharge” parking spaces on Level 3A of the George Street Garage for patient pick up on discharge day.
If you would like a security escort to your car, go to one of the Information Desks (Main Lobby or George Street Garage entrance) and request one or dial ext. 3800 on an in-house hospital phone.
You can get a discounted rate of $4 for the parking garage – regardless of how many hours you stay – under the following conditions:
– After 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
– All day on weekends and holidays
Just bring your parking ticket to the reception/information desk to have it stamped.
In addition, if you are visiting someone who has been admitted for 5 days or more, you’re eligible for the discount parking rate. Bring your parking ticket to the reception area where they can cross check to see that the patient you’re visitng has been admitted long term and have it validated for the reduced rate.
Page last updated on Feb. 16, 2011