
About Your Bill

About Your Bill

Hospital and medical bills are often very confusing to patients. Because of the complicated nature of our cancer treatment programs, some patients find the bills difficult to decipher. We hope that the following information will help you to more easily understand your bill.

For radiation oncology patients
Your treatment is under the supervision of radiation oncologists of New Haven Radiology Associates. However, each treatment is performed by Hospital of Saint Raphael technical professionals. This means that your bill will be divided into two separate parts:

  • Technical services performed by Saint Raphael professionals are billed by Saint Raphael’s
  • Professional services performed by your radiation oncologist are billed by New Haven Radiology Associates.

If you have questions regarding the technical services portion of your bill, please call (203) 789-3227. If you have questions about the professional services portion of your bill, please call (203) 777-6209.

For prostate implant patients
The treatment course for prostate implant patients extends over a period of many months. Many of the procedures for this treatment modality take place without your presence being required – they are part of the treatment planning processes for the preoperative, operative, and postoperative steps during your implantation. You will receive an “Explanation of Benefits” that lists the dates of these services so that you are aware of them.

Page last updated on Nov. 10, 2008