
The Women’s Group

The Women’s Group

(Please note: We are not offering a women’s group at this time.)

The Women’s Group offers support and confidential group therapy to women who have been affected by domestic violence. It can help you through:

  • Education: You will learn more about domestic violence, your legal rights, places to find help in your community and the choices you have.
  • Self-help: You’ll share resources and learn to break your silence and talk about your feelings in a supportive, confidential setting with other women who have been in abusive relationships.
  • Therapy: You’ll learn to feel better about yourself, decrease your shame and guilt, increase your awareness and learn ways to break the cycle of violence in your life.

The group is led by two professional therapists who protect your confidentiality and safety. They also help work out any problems that may arise within the group.

The goals of the group include helping you learn about violence between partners; learning about personal safety and your legal options; and learning to not judge the choices that other group members make (for example, leaving the abusive relationship or choosing to make changes in that relationship).

This program meets weekly at Saint Raphael’s Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic at 1294 Chapel Street in New Haven. The clinic accepts Medicare, Medicaid and many private insurance plans. We treat everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, and strict confidentiality is maintained to protect the safety and rights of all. For more information, call (203) 784-8700.

We also offer a group for men who are batterers and want to stop being abusive.

Page last updated on Sep. 26, 2008