
New Haven Healthy Start

New Haven Healthy Start

“Too many, too small, too soon”

New Haven Healthy Start is a program that helps pregnant women and mothers deliver healthy and happy babies. In a program that partners with the Hospital of Saint Raphael, its primary goal is to reduce the infant mortality and morbidity rate in the City of New Haven. The program’s current objectives are to:

  • help reduce New Haven’s remaining health disparity in infant mortality;
  • increase its emphasis on multi-pronged outreach strategy;
  • strengthen connections with new community resources; 
  • enhance case management capabilities for working with women at high-risk of poor birth outcomes. (Special outreach will be made to teens, the homeless, and those who lack insurance coverage and who have had previous poor birth outcomes).

For more information, contact Loria Morrison, New Haven Healthy Start Care Coordinator, 203-789-5179 or email [email protected]  OR
Clarice Mason, Social Work Supervisor 203-789-3611 or email [email protected] .

Page last updated on Oct. 18, 2010