
Saint Raphael Healthcare System

What to Ask Before You Go Under
Information you should know before receiving anesthesia

Debbie Carvalko

Are there different types of anesthesia?
Yes, there are three main categories: general, regional and local. With general anesthesia, which is inhaled through a breathing mask or injected into a vein, you are unconscious. With regional anesthesia, a medication is injected near a cluster of nerves to numb the area of your body undergoing surgery. Two common regional anesthesias are the spinal and epidural. With local anesthesia, a drug is injected to numb a specific body part for minor surgery, such as the hand or foot.

Can I request what type of anesthesia I will receive?
Yes, in certain situations. Your anesthesiologist will discuss options with you.

Why are so many questions asked about my past and present medical conditions?
It’s important for the anesthesiologist to know as much about you as possible. Any medical conditions can affect your response to anesthesia. Be certain to give information including allergies, drug or alcohol use, smoking and past anesthetic experiences.

Why are patients not allowed to eat or drink before surgery?
Fasting greatly reduces the chances of regurgitating food or liquids. For your safety, it’s important you follow fasting instructions.

Why talk about smoking and drinking?
Cigarettes and alcohol affect your body as strongly — sometimes more strongly — than prescribed drugs. Smoking and drinking have powerful effects on your lungs, heart, liver and blood, as do “street” drugs like marijuana. Anesthesia adjustments may be needed to promote safety. So in this case, honesty is not just the best policy, but the safest one.

Does the anesthesiologist need to know about herbal products I am taking?
Absolutely! Some “natural” or “herbal” medications are quite potent, and surgery can be dangerous if the anesthesiologist or surgeon don’t know the patient is taking them. For example, St. John’s Wort, an herb taken to treat depression and sleep disorders, can prolong the effects of some anesthetic agents. Ginko biloba, used to improve memory and circulation, may reduce platelets, which are needed for blood to clot. Gingseng, a popular herbal preparation used to boost vitality, has been associated with episodes of high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

SOURCE: American Society of Anesthesiologists