Outpatient Services/Clinics
Orchard Medical Center
The Outpatient Services/Clinics offers many services housed on two separate floors. Note which floor the particular service you need is on when following the directions offered here.
The first floor of the center offers the Blood Drawing Station; Cardiology; Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT); Endocrine (Metabolic); Geriatric Assessment/Eldercare; Haelen Center; Medical; Neurology; Pediatric Clinic; Prenatal (Teens); Primary Care (Adult Medicine); Pulmonary; Renal (Kidney); and Rheumatology (Arthritis).
The second floor of the clinic houses the ECT; Gastroenterology; Gynecology (Women’s Services); Minor Surgery; Neurosurgery; Nutrition; Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery; Orthopedic; Pain Management; Plastic Surgery; Podiatry (Feet); Prenatal (Adults); Surgical Clinic; Trauma; Urology; and Vascular.
From George St. Garage
Take garage elevator (yellow) to Level 1. Exit left. Enter hospital and bear left. Go past two sets of stained glass windows. Go straight past Visitor Information Desk on your right, following signs to Orchard Medical Center. Go past another set of stained glass windows. To get to the first floor of the clinic, you will see Outpatient Services/Clinics are on your left. To reach the second floor of the clinic, follow corridor to end and bear right to Elevator O (red). Take Elevator O to second floor. Exit left, bear left around the corner and follow signs to Outpatient Clinics.
From Orchard Medical Center Entrance
Go straight down long corridor. The first floor entrance of the Outpatient Services/Clinics is on your right. To reach the second floor, take Elevator O (red) immediately inside entrance to second floor. Exit left, bear left around the corner and follow signs to Outpatient Clinics.
From Main Lobby on Chapel St.
Enter through main doors. Take a left and follow corridor past cafeteria to end of hallway. Take a left, go past stained glass windows. The first floor entrance of the Outpatient Clinics/Services is on your left. To reach the second floor, follow corridor to end and bear right to Elevator O (red). Take Elevator O to second floor. Exit left, bear left and follow signs to Outpatient Clinics.
From Father Michael J. McGivney Center for Cancer Care
The cancer care center’s parking lot is located on George Street. Enter building through “Hospital of Saint Raphael-Entrance” door. Follow long corridor to Main Hospital. Take a right. Proceed through main lobby, past cafeteria to end of hallway. Take a left, go past stained glass windows. The first floor entrance of the Outpatient Clinics/Services is on your left. To reach the second floor entrance, follow corridor to end and bear right to Elevator O (red). Take Elevator O to 2nd floor. Exit left, bear left around the corner and follow signs to Outpatient Clinics.